
Tavolo lecchese per la Giustizia RESTORATIVA.

La Giustizia Restorativa è un approccio per affrontare il danno o il rischio di danno coinvolgendo tutte e tutti coloro che ne sono influenzati per raggiungere una comprensione comune e un accordo su come il danno o l’illecito può essere riparato e la giustizia ripristinata.

European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ – 2018)

Restorative Corner is :

Place of meeting   between citizens interested or intrigued by restorative justice

place animated by volunteers and all interested people

place-antenna   that can intercept suffering and create connections and relaunches with facilitators and with the community

confidential place  where people can tell personal relevant experiences sharing suffering and harm

testimony-place  where to tell restorative stories

place-occasion to reflect together on the responses of justice in a restorative horizon

physical place  where restorative justice documentation can be found and borrowed (books, videos …)

Following places in the Lecco area are currently hosting Restorative Corners:

  • Lecco: c/o “Bradipo Cafè”
  • Calolziocorte: c/o Circolo Arci “Shared Space”
  • Olginate c/o Municipal Library