March 2020
1st lockdown due to the covid19 emergency
Scared, disoriented, at odds, kept apart, suffering… everyone was affected.
The people were confined at home or in institutional places (prisons, hospitals, care homes, rehab) and the key workers who were forced to work.
April 2020
lock-down online
Le prime riunioni online dell’Innominato.
La voglia di fare “progetti” per il “dopo”, un dopo che già pensavamo non essere più come il “prima”, ma nemmeno sapevamo come sarebbe stato e cosa, nel frattempo, era stato di noi…
Incontrarsi è stato il primo desiderio e costruire le condizioni per farlo il suo immediato corollario.
Incontrarsi tra cittadini/e, non solo tra familiari, parenti, amici, colleghi…
May 2020
1st easing of lockdown
We figured out the new regulations, found a big enough venue, informally invited a few people and we started…
End of June/End of October 2020
We chose the name RestoCovidCircles (where resto stands for restorative) because we wanted to talk about what happened during the first lockdown.
We felt it was important to do it right away and to offer it to the whole community, because everyone felt scared, hurt, pushed away.
After the fear, pain, and loneliness, after the heroic and generous acts, after the solidarity and newly found sense of community, the rage, the search for a showdown, and the shifting of responsibilities began to loom.
During these few months, many people took part in the circles: people that had been ill, hospitalized, or lost a loved one; people that had faced the surge of care needed and had been working in a state of emergency, with very little PPE while feeling scared and lost; people that had been confined at home, unable to see their loved ones…
We listened to each other respectfully, we brought together and into dialogue our truths and came out of the meeting with a different outlook from the one we initially had.
We often left feeling differently.